Climate Action
Say It/Do It
As we move ahead, we are embracing our Say It/Do It ethos and focusing on issues that our artists are committed to amplifying. Climate change, gender equity, gun control, and social inequality are issues we will elevate. Through our artist-designed merchandise, you can wear messages that bring voice to these causes. Our online platform will connect you to vetted ways to participate in these efforts. Our second campaign focuses on climate action.
Say It!

Tucson artist Alex! Jimenez has created our first limited edition print to draw attention to the issue of climate change, in recognition of Earth Day 2021.
Alex ran a limited edition run of 50 prints from her studio in Tucson, Arizona. The 4-color designs were hand printed on Neenah Environment paper, and are 8 ½” x 12." (Sale of the prints ended on April 30).
One of the animals featured in Alex’s print is a beaver. “Beavers are so cool," says Alex! "They are master engineers, creating micro-ecosystems around their lodges. Did you know beavers were once widespread in our waterways in Arizona? Even along the Santa Cruz River? Our Riparian habitats in Arizona are under so much pressure and many have disappeared over the years. I wanted this piece to show how water unites all animals around its bank as we are united by calling planet earth our home. And it needs our care now more than ever.”
Fish, frogs, turtles, wolves, ocelots and birds also cohabitate Alex's earth drawing, calling on us all to remember our interconnectedness, our relationship to our one Earth and to all the creatures that cohabitate with us. Learn more about Alex's work.
Do It!
We’ve pulled together a list of organizations from across the country for you to connect with. Each organization is organizing actions on Earth Day. Take action around April 22 Earth Day, and see how you can contribute to our Earth’s health every day of the year.
Earth Day
• Click on this link to find an Earth Day event near you.
Artists and Climate Change: "Building earth connections"
• International online platform & network amplifying the work of artists engaging with the climate crisis
Soapbox Project
• Bite-sized action plans to fight climate change
Pachamama Alliance
• Pachamama Alliance is a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all.
Project Drawdown
• Their mission is to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. They offer online courses, publications, solutions to climate change with actions that can be taken today.
Earth Day for Trees event
Event: Thursday, April 22, 2021
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Zoom event is free, donation appreciated
• An Earth Day virtual event featuring speakers, artists, performers, talking about trees and forests
Earth Celebrations
Saturday, May 8, 2021 | 11am – 5pm
• If you are in NYC, join this IRL Art & Climate Solutions Pop-Up Pageant!
• You can also sign up to be a "spectacular climate costume"!
Dear Tomorrow
• Send a letter to the future, write your promise to take bold climate action today
• Dear Tomorrow will share your climate letter on their website and preserve it for the future.
Climate Stories Project
• Climate Stories Project is an educational and artistic forum for sharing personal stories about the changing climate. Sharing your climate story helps build an inclusive and effective movement to confront the climate crisis.
Kiss the Ground
Advancing regenerative agriculture. Go to this site, select your areas of interest around environmental stewardship, and they will provide you with an individualized action