Ukraine - Ways to Help
We are all looking upon the current crisis in Ukraine with heavy hearts, trying to understand why. Why are maternity hospitals and residential buildings being bombed, why are civilians being targeted? Why is a sovereign nation being invaded? How can we create protest in a some way that will make an impact?
While we don’t have answers to the “whys”, we can offer some vetted ways to offer aid. Stephen Colbert’s Late Show pulled together this list of organizations to support:
The Obama Foundation has an extensive list of organization to support here.
Medical Kits
The Ukranian Cultural Center in Los Angeles is calling for volunteers to put together Medical Kits that provide very basic necessities for soldiers and displaced people, needed immediately. One kit costs only $10 to make, and could save a wounded soldier’s life. The center is asking for help in 1) providing supplies and/or assembled kits and 2) donations that are tax deductible. Click here for the instructional video of how to assemble kits at home.