Creativity and Activism

We've compiled a few of our favorite creative activist efforts from the past four years.

Spin the Vote
"Spin the Vote" is an exhibition created by ArtistsWhoVote, an artist collective of Arizona State University students, faculty and alumni who use art as a medium to mobilize for get-out-the-vote. The collective is nonpartisan and focuses on addressing particular challenges new voters face in Maricopa County through mediums ranging from sign-spinning to social media videos.

365 Days of Voters
In 2020, L.A. artist Deborah Ascheim created a project called "365 Days of Voters," a visual diary of voters sponsored by LA County Registrar-Recorder, LA Department of Arts & Culture, and the Arts & Culture Commissions of Glendale and Pasadena. Create Protest founders Cynthia and Julie submitted their photos. You can view the results on our About page!

YelloPain - My Vote Dont Count
Video by musical artist YelloPain breaks down our three branches of government and why it's important to vote in EVERY election!

Postcard Banner Lending Library
Artist Aram Han Sifuentes created a Postcard Banner Lending Library.
In her own words, "Banners are a way for me to resist what is happening in the United States and in the world. It is a way to put my voice out there and not stay silent. I cannot be silent. However, as a non citizen and a new mother, I cannot always go to protests. And in these workshops I realized that there were many people who came because they needed to find a way to participate, resist, and speak up but also couldn’t always go to protests because they too were mothers, non citizens, undocumented- those who would be at great risk if caught up and arrested."

Let us know your favorite efforts!

More Resources

Arts + activism groups:
Artists 4 Democracy
The Center for Artistic Activism

Climate Focused:
Third Act Creatives
Climate Anxiety Counseling Booth
"8 artists who are grappling with climate change and imagining a better world"
7000 Marks
California Climate Art Trail